Hands-on Introduction to Embedded Swift
with Frank Lefebvre

This workshop will show you how to build simple Swift applications targeting the ESP32 microcontroller, bridging the gap between iOS and embedded development.
We'll start with an overview of the ESP32 architecture.
Then you will install and set up a toolchain to compile Embedded Swift code, and you will build a blinking LED program to test the connection to the microcontroller.
You'll learn how to control the GPIO pins on the microcontroller in Swift through memory-mapped I/O.
Then we will cover more advanced I/O protocols such as I2C and SPI in order to connect external displays and sensors.
You'll learn how to take advantage of the C-based Espressif SDK in your Swift code, and we will discuss the main differences between embedded Swift and standard Swift.
Eventually you'll implement a Bluetooth LE service on your embedded device, and you'll use Core Bluetooth on iOS to communicate with it.
To wrap things up, you will create a nice UI with AccessorySetupKit to enable automatic device discovery on iOS.
Workshop schedule: This is a full day workshop starting at 9:00.
All of our workshops have 20 seats available.
Attending a workshop of your choice is included in the ticket.